Young And The Restless Scoop September 26: Sharon Kills Heather And Dumps Her Body In The River

Young And The Restless: Sharon leans over Heather's body

Young And The Restless: Sharon leans over Heather's body

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Thursday, September 26 reveals Sharon Newman (Sharon Case) won’t remember killing Heather Stevens (Vail Bloom).

Y&R spoilers tease the show will open with a scene of Sharon’s vehicle on a bridge above the river. She’ll the close the trunk and driving away crying. Then viewers will see what happened three hours earlier. Heather will ask Sharon what she’s doing there. “I was waiting for Daniel, he got called away but he told me to wait here for him,” she’ll say. But Heather will accuse her of lying.

She’ll say Daniel Romalotti (Michael Graziadei) definitely did not tell her to wait. In fact, he had dinner with his mom and sister and is currently with Lucy Romalotti (Lily Brooks O’Briant). Sharon will try to leave but Heather won’t let her. “Why are you in my apartment?” Heather will ask. “What do you want?”

So, Sharon will make up another lie, saying Daniel called the super to let her in. But Heather will say Daniel didn’t tell her any of this, and she’ll start to call him. “Okay!” Sharon will shout. “I didn’t talk to Daniel.” She’ll say she messed with the lock because she wanted to tell Daniel to leave town.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Heather Says Daniel Didn’t Kill Cassie

“You don’t know what it’s like, seeing Daniel again, seeing his face again, he killed my sweet baby girl.” But Heather will say Daniel didn’t kill her, Cassie was driving the car. “There is a pit in my stomach every time I see his face, and I see him everywhere I look,” Sharon will reply.  “It’s a big wide world out there, why can’t you all just live somewhere else?!”

Y&R Scoop: Heather points her finger at Sharon

Heather will say she’s sorry to disappoint her, but they’re staying. And she’ll tell Sharon she needs professional help. “To be completely honest, you scare me with your rage and your vindictiveness,” she’ll add. “The only thing you’re probably actually regretting is pretending to apologize to us.

Then Heather will find a shard of broken glass and ask Sharon if she did it. But she’ll lie and say it must have been like that before she got there. So, Heather will say maybe she should just let the police handle it and she’ll grab her phone.

Sharon will ask her not to. And she’ll knock the phone out of Heather’s hands. “You’re sick, Sharon,” Heather will tell her. Sharon will ask her to let it go, but Heather will grab her phone from the floor. Sharon will push her and Heather will fall to the ground. But she’ll open her eyes and tell Sharon she’s out of her mind.

In the next scene, Sharon will wake up on the couch and she’ll see Heather lying on the floor. She’ll lift up her head and it’ll be covered in blood. Heather won’t have a pulse and Cameron Kirsten (Linden Ashby) will tell her the only thing to do right now is to clean up this mess. “Figure out how to make Heather disappear.”

Young And The Restless Scoop – Sharon Asks For Her Forgiveness

Sharon will want to call the police but Cameron will say they’ll put two and two together. She’ll say she can’t remember what happened. “She was alive and she was staring at me and she told me I was out of my mind.” Cameron will tell her Daniel and Lucy will be home any minute and she needs to get to work.

Y&R Scoop: Sharon dumps Heather over the side of a bridge

Heather’s phone will ring and Sharon will pick it up and see it’s Daniel calling. So, she’ll grab a sheet and wrap Heather in it. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” she’ll tell Heather. Then she’ll wrap her up in a blanket and clean up the blood and glass shards off the floor.

Sharon will drag Heather’s body to the stairwell, down the stairs and place her in the trunk. She’ll go back upstairs and get rid of the rest of the evidence. When she’s back in her car, she’ll tell Cameron she just wants this night to be over. “One more stop and then you can go home,” he’ll tell her.

So, she’ll stop her car on a bridge and take Heather’s body out of the trunk. “Please forgive me,” she’ll say as she dumps the body over the side into the river. Then she’ll get back into her vehicle and drive away, screaming and crying.

Finally, Sharon will head back to the motel, sit on the bed and weep. “God, God, what have I done?!” Cameron will tell her she’s going to have to accept this. “How can anyone accept this?” she’ll ask him. He’ll tell her it’s her private hell and it needs to stay that way. “If you don’t, you lose everything. Your freedom, your family and your life.”

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4 Thoughts to “Young And The Restless Scoop September 26: Sharon Kills Heather And Dumps Her Body In The River”

  1. Anonymous

    I can’t believe you would make sharon a killer..I’m done with this show!!

  2. Anonymous

    This had better be a dream!

  3. Anonymous

    How stupid is this soap opera turning ridiculous what happened to the writers.

  4. Anonymous

    I will never watch this show again if Sharon really kills Heather! I love Sharon!

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